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Why I Homeschool even though I do NOT love it!

Most people assume that because I home school five children that I love it.  NOT so much!  My reasons for homeschooling my children have very little to do with my feelings about it, and more to do with my Faith and my convictions about Family!

You see, I was not a home schooled kid.  I went to public school in a relatively large school district.  My graduating class had almost 200 people.  My husband went to a very small private school in the south.  Niether of us had ever personally experienced homeschooling.

When we were married, actually before, we discussed our thoughts and ideas on family size and all issues about having children.  The idea of an optimal schooling environment came up pretty quickly.  There were a few reasons that we originally decided to home school, but over the years they changed a bit.

We initially felt a Biblical desire to be the key contributors to our children's education so that we could oversee what they were taught.  Today's school curriculum does not always line up with our Biblical beliefes.  We also felt that we would allow uor children to go to public school when they could "stand on their own feet".  We wanted them to know the WHY behind the Biblical principles we live by so that they would have the wisdom and strength on conviction to be able to support their beliefs if questioned.  These were our initial reasons!

Oh boy, did they expand.  We still believe in the above convictions to home school our children, but we have added a few.  Now that I have from grades K-grade 10, my perspective has changed alot.  For one, our society has also changed quite a bit.  I feel that it is invaluable at this time in history to have my kids at home with me for their safety as well as for my sanity ;)

When asked, my children have decided they do not want to ever go to public school.  They feel that the extensive amount of time spent sitting in a traditional class setting is not as beneficial to their time.  They also each learn differently and at home we can work with that and on their levels and speeds.

Another revelation I have come to is the difference between my teenage girls and public schooled teenage girls.  My girls have a self worth that they really never question.  They very seldom question their own looks, style, ideas, or talents.  They have never been taught to question them so why would they.

My girls have no concept of "boys/dating" because they have never had to look for or compete for attention.  They know what a solid marriage looks like and what they plan to attain when they are ready.  They have learned to focus their attention on extra curricular activities that work towards their goals and dreams at this point in their lives.

COMMUNICATION is one of my favorite things with my kids.  They trust me.  Why?  Because I have always been there, I am honest in all areas, and we have always talked about situations since they were little.  Everyone told me to dread the teenage years with four girls!  No WAY!  I love having meaningful conversations with my girls and watching them grow into responsible young women who are learning to make wise choices on their own!

Having a large family has taught my children to avoid jealousy, to work together for NOTHING (no allowance), to help others and that they are not the most important person in the world.  They have learned how to do hard work and how it benefits the family as a whole.  They don't feel that they are owed anything.

My kids have also learned to actually like hanging around with their parents!  Don't get me wrong, they like being with friends, but they would just assume the friends come to our house.  When I was a teenager, I was always looking to run away from home ;)

My children have a strong committment to their Faith and their Family.  If for no other reason--these two are worth all of the hard times involved in homeschooling!


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