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Do You Have Friends?

OK Mama's--I know that I am not the only one who says, "What are they?" when asked about your friends.  How many of you feel like the minute that you became a Mama, friends just disappeared?

Guess What - It is okay!  Yup-I totally just said that.  There are periods of my life where I felt like I had no friends AT ALL.  Of course, this wasn't exactly true, but it felt that way.  When you are a homeschooling Mama, who works from home and has ANY kiddos, where do you have time for friends???

I used to be picked on for being the "unsocial" friend.  But guess what...I may only have a handful of friends that I do not see merely enough but they are there!  When I need them, I can count on them.  Even when they live on the other side of the country.

Want to know what -- most of them are online friends.  Yup--they count!  After joining Young Living I was included in a members only Facebook group that has almost been even more amazing than the products themselves.  Our group has created awesome friendships I never would have imagined.

And, I know what you are thinking.  I don't REALLY know these people so how can they be friends.  Well, yes, yes I do.  I have traveled with these people in REAL life and really met them.  I know that may sound crazy and at one point in my life it would have sounded crazy to me too.....but they are some of my best friends now! As you can see above they really are REAL!

And Hey, with technology you can have a best friend half way across the world and still "talk" every day!

SO--this is to encourage all of you Mommas who are elbow deep in diapers, vomit, school books, or any of the other daily occurances.  There are ways to find wholesome blessed friendships.  Just because you don't wanna have someone in front of you in your dirty kitchen, you can still have good friends!!!


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