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Fun Bucket List

As I am working through a life of balance I find two areas to be severely lacking.....Fitness and Fun.  To encourage myself to find areas of Fun I decided to make a "bucket list" of fun things that I would like to accomplish within the next 3-5 years.  Some of these are this summer, some are near future, and some will Max out that 3-5 years.  Some are on my own, and some include the entire family.

*camping - One Trip down, one to go
*The Creation Museum
*The Ark encounter
*Kids Pool party
*Read one book a month - I MAY be reading more like two or three a month ;)
        (This is totally fun for me....don't judge)
*Amusement park
*Young Living Convention
*Silver Retreat
*Hike two mountains this summer
       (this one is back burnered since I sprained my ankle)
*Fire pit and smores - did this on camping trip #1
*Parades - Got in two so far in the Summer of 2018
*Westward Camping trip

I will try to update as these get marked off or as I add to this list.


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