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Healthy and Well are NOT the Same Thing

I have this overwhelming issue with people who say that they are "healthy as a horse" while lighting up their tenth cigarette for the day.  My dad is one of these people.  I love him "to the moon and back", but it bothers me when he feels that he is so healthy even though he smokes a pack or more of cigarettes a day and has for over forty years!

So, why is it that we feel that "health" is based upon whether or not we are sick at that moment?  My dad can go to a doctor for a physical and be told he is "healthy"- even though the doctor knows he smokes.  We can go to the grocery store and buy a box of cereal that has claims of nutrition, value, low sugar and "no high fructose corn syrup", yet you read the actual ingedient list and you see sugar as the second ingredient and corn syrup (apparently not the high fructose sort) on the same list.

When did we become so dumb as a nation?  When did we learn to listen to everyone else to determine what is best for our body, our health and wellness?  When did we talk ourselves into believing that we are not smart enough to have our own opionions????

Now, I am not a doctor.  Merely a mom....wait, is there a difference there?  Anyway, my point is that I do not have a "medical opinion" but I most definately have an opinion.  I have an opinion on what is healthy and what is well and the difference in my eyes.

Healthy, as stated in the dictionary, is simply a state of not being sick or in pain.  We, in our society, are so quick to say that someone is healthy meaning that their bodies are strong and in optimal working condition.  Can an overweight person be healthy?  Can a smoker be healthy?  Can an alcoholic be healthy?  They may all exhibit a lack of "sickness" at the particular moment, but they are all far from healthy!

Wellness, on the other hand encompasses so much more than just sickness.  It embraces an overall mind, body, soul approach to wellness!  If we merely look at how we feel today, we overlooked so much more.  Obviously, a smoker is damaging their not well.  Obviosuly, an overweight person has issues that cause this "symptom" not well.  Do you get the point?!

We need to stop focusing so much on being healthy that we miss the concept of being well!


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